Electronics-1 Dec 2018 3rd Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Paper

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Electronics-1 Dec 2018 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Solved PSBTE Diploma Paper


Q1. Fill in the blanks.                                                      10×1.5=15

a. The electronic components which cannot process the signal are called __________ .
b. The process of adding impurities in intrinsic semiconductor material is called _________.
c. Resistivity of a semiconductor lies between ________ .
d. The value of knee voltage for silicon diode is ________ volts.
e. An ideal diode has __________ reverse resistance.
f. A zener diode is always operated in the ________ region.
g. __________ Diode has a negative resistance.
h. In a transistor, there are _______ pn junctions.
i. The emitter of a transistor is ____________ doped.
j. The biasing circuit which gives best stability to the Q point is ________ .
k. The ideal value of stability factor is ________ .
l. A transistor with its associated circuitry for amplification is called a _______.
m. In an amplifier, power gain = current gain x ________gain.
n. The point at which DC and AC load lines interact each other is called ___________.
o. A FET has three terminals namely; source, drain and ____________.


Q2. Attempt any FIVE questions.                                                                    5×6=30

i. What are practical and ideal current and voltage sources?
ii. List the main differences between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors?
iii. Draw and explain V-I characteristics of P-N junction diode.
iv. What is the use of filter circuit? List different types of filters.
v. What do you mean by Saturation, Cut-off and Active regions?
vi. What are different types of couplings used in transistor amplifier?
vii. Write advantages and disadvantages of FET.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

a. With the help of circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the functioning of a full-wave rectifier.
b. Explain zener diode, its characteristics and applications.
c. Draw and explain the circuit of common-emitter configuration of transistor and its characteristics.
d. Describe the construction, operation and characteristics of FET with suitable diagrams

Electronics-1 Dec 2018 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Solved PSBTE Diploma Paper


Q1. Fill in the blanks.                                                      10×1.5=15

a. The electronic components which cannot process the signal are called Passive Linear Circuit Elements .
b. The process of adding impurities in intrinsic semiconductor material is called Doping.
c. Resistivity of a semiconductor lies between Condctor and Insulator .
d. The value of knee voltage for silicon diode is 0.7 volts.

e. An ideal diode has Infinite reverse resistance.
f. A zener diode is always operated in the Breakdown region.
g. IMPATT Diode has a negative resistance.
h. In a transistor, there are Two pn junctions.
i. The emitter of a transistor is Highly doped.
j. The biasing circuit which gives best stability to the Q point is Potential Divider Biasing .
k. The ideal value of stability factor is Zero.
l. A transistor with its associated circuitry for amplification is called a ______.
m. In an amplifier, power gain = current gain x Voltage gain.
n. The point at which DC and AC load lines interact each other is called Q-Point .
o. A FET has three terminals namely; source, drain and Gate .

Electronics-1 DEC 2018 3RD Sem Electrical Engineer ing Diploma Paper

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Section a Electronics-1 DEC 2018 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Paper

The electronic components which cannot process the signal are called _________

The electronic components which cannot process the signal are called Passive Linear Circuit Elements .

The process of adding impurities in intrinsic semiconductor material is called _________

The process of adding impurities in intrinsic semiconductor material is called Doping.

Resistivity of a semiconductor lies between _________ and ___________

Resistivity of a semiconductor lies between Condctor and Insulator .

The value of knee voltage for silicon diode is ____ volts.

The value of knee voltage for silicon diode is 0.7 volts.


An ideal diode has I_______ reverse resistance.

An ideal diode has Infinite reverse resistance.

A zener diode is always operated in the _____ region.

A zener diode is always operated in the Breakdown region.

_________ Diode has a negative resistance.

IMPATT Diode has a negative resistance.

In a transistor, there are _______ pn junctions.

In a transistor, there are Two pn junctions.

The emitter of a transistor is _________ doped.

The emitter of a transistor is Highly doped.

The biasing circuit which gives best stability to the Q point is ____________

The biasing circuit which gives best stability to the Q point is Potential Divider Biasing .

The ideal value of stability factor is _________

The ideal value of stability factor is Zero.

A transistor with its associated circuitry for amplification is called a ______

A transistor with its associated circuitry for amplification is called a ______.

In an amplifier, power gain = current gain x ________ gain.

In an amplifier, power gain = current gain x Voltage gain.

The point at which DC and AC load lines interact each other is called _________

The point at which DC and AC load lines interact each other is called Q-Point .

A FET has three terminals namely; source, drain and _________

A FET has three terminals namely; source, drain and Gate

Electronics-1 Dec 2018 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Paper Click Here

Section B :Electronics-1 dec 2018 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Paper

What are practical and ideal current and voltage sources?

Practical and ideal current and voltage sources.

List the main differences between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors?

Main differences between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.

Draw and explain V-I characteristics of P-N junction diode.

V-I characteristics of P-N junction diode.

What is the use of filter circuit? List different types of filters.

Use of filter circuit.

List different types of filters.

 What do you mean by Saturation, Cut-off and Active regions?

Saturation, Cut-off and Active regions.

What are different types of couplings used in transistor amplifier?

Different types of couplings used in transistor amplifier.

Write advantages and disadvantages of FET.

Advantages and disadvantages of FET.

Electronics-1 Dec 2018 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Solved Paper Click Here

Electronics-1 dec 2018 3RD Sem Electrical Engineer ing Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Electronics-1 dec 2018 3RD Sem Electrical Engineering Diploma Paper

With the help of circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the functioning of a full-wave rectifier.

Circuit diagram and waveforms of a full-wave rectifier.

Explain zener diode, its characteristics and applications.

Zener diode, characteristics and applications.

Draw and explain the circuit of common-emitter configuration of transistor and its characteristics.

Common-emitter configuration of transistor and its characteristics.

Describe the construction, operation and characteristics of FET with suitable diagrams

Construction, operation and characteristics of FET.

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